Arrive Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. We will be greeted by our tour guide and will transfer to our hotel.

OVERNIGHT: Jerusalem


After enjoying our Israeli buffet style breakfast we will enter the Old City of Jerusalem via the Zion Gate to David’s Tower museum and see the ancient remains of the city beginning with the first Temple period, and walk through the Armenian Quarter. Next enjoy the Time Elevator Jerusalem, this multimedia experience relates the history of Jerusalem from King Solomon until the 20th century. Moving chairs and special effects make the experience fun for children. On Mount Zion we will visit the tomb of King David and place a stone on the grave of Oskar Schindler, who saved 1200 Jews employed in his factory in Germany during the Holocaust. We will walk through the Jewish Quarter and can visit the stores along the Cardo, a typical Roman street built in the 6th century, and stop at the four Sepharadic synagogues restored after the 1967 war. Proceed to Mount of Olives for a magnificent panoramic view of the Old City.

OVERNIGHT: Jerusalem


Celebrate your Bar/Bat Mitzvah at the Southern Wall! Mazal Tov!! Next we will visit the Israel Museum, the largest cultural institution in the State of Israel and one of the leading art and archaeology museums in the world. Beginning to descend through the many layers of Jerusalem’s past at the time of the Temple, we will head through the Western Wall Tunnels. Inside, we’ll view the most interesting model shows depicting the different dwelling periods and history of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Stand on the site believed to be the nearest spot to the "Holy of Holies". Another site we will visit is Hezekiah’s Tunnel, which was dug under the Ophel in Jerusalem about 701 BC during the reign of Hezekiah. Next a visit to the colorful, bustling Machaneh Yehuda, the open-air market.

OVERNIGHT: Jerusalem


Enjoy a delicious Israeli buffet style breakfast and get ready for an exciting day. Ascend by cable car to the mountain fortress of Masada for a tour of this amazing excavation and a discussion of the terrible dilemma faced by its Jewish population during Roman times. Next we will get a taste of Abraham’s hospitality at Genesis Land and experience life as it was in biblical times. We will then ride camels to visit and enjoy lunch with “Abraham” in his tent. Next we descend to the lowest point on Earth to float on the unsinkable mineral rich waters of the Dead Sea. Enjoy a walk through the beautiful Ein Gedi nature reserve and hear the biblical story of kings David and Saul that took place there "on site".

OVERNIGHT: Jerusalem


After breakfast we will start our day with a visit to Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust remembrance and education center which is an emotional and heartrending experience, but seeing the exhibits and remembering the Holocaust gives the more than one million individuals, world leaders and dignitaries who pass through its doors annually a meaningful way to commemorate the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Next we will drive to the Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem to see the Chagall Stained Glass Windows. Next we will drive by the Knesset, Israel’s parliament and see the Menorah with the biblical emblems. We will drive north and stop at Gan HaShlosha National Park where we can enjoy waterfalls and natural pools where the waters are always 82 degrees Fahrenheit. If time permits, we can visit the Museum of Regional and Mediterranean Archaeology, which is also part of the park.

OVERNIGHT: Kibbutz in the Galilee


Enjoy your Israeli buffet breakfast before we tour our kibbutz and learn about life on a kibbutz and meet its residents. Next we head to the gleaming white cliffs of Rosh Hanikra. Rosh Hanikra is the northernmost point on the Mediterranean shore of Israel, where a chalk mountain range meets the sea. We will drive south to Akko, a city of fascinating historical heritage, a rare blend of East and West, authentic sights form the past, a unique meeting place of art and religion alongside the remains of various cultures – all these have made Acre one of the most important cities of the ancient world. Next we will stop in the mystical city of Tzefat, The ancient Galilean city is the highest city in Israel, and commands a breathtaking view of the Galilee in the winter with its green mountains and the white snow-capped peak of Mount Hermon. The artists’ quarter is located in what was previously the Arab quarter of Safed. Artists reside and work in their studios in the ancient and magnificent houses, and their paintings and artifacts fill the display windows and can be viewed while walking through the narrow alleyways. We will then enjoy dinner at Decks and a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.

OVERNIGHT: Kibbutz in the Galilee


After Israeli buffet breakfast, we will start our day of sightseeing with a visit to Katsrin, the Talmudic Village, and immerse ourselves in the times of the Mishna and the Talmud. A highlight is the visit to the remains of Katzrin’s stately Talmudic-era synagogue. The younger set will enjoy making the audio-visual acquaintance of ancient sages in a presentation shown in a replica of the synagogue on six screens. Gain a deeper understanding of the Golan Heights, as you cross the Jordan River and climb the Golan. Hear the story of the most expansive land battle in the world, which took place here during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Then we will explore the Golan by Jeep. We will next stop at the Banias Nature Reserve. At the center of the reserve flows the Hermon River, one of the sources of the Jordan River. The path winds along the river, leading to the remains of a small mill and later to a pool of water called “the officers’ pool”. Close to the springs, we can see the remains of the city of Panias and the temple to the god Pan, carved in stone. Banias is also an archeological site, with remains from the Hellenistic period, a temple built in Roman times by Herod, palaces, walls and structures from the time of Kings Phillip and Agrippa II and findings from the Christian, Crusader and Muslim eras. The adventure ends with a trip to the Manara Cliff, with its cable-car, zip line, rock-climbing wall, rappelling and mountain-slide coaster cars.

OVERNIGHT: Kibbutz in the Galilee


We will depart the hotel after breakfast and travel south to Beit She’an, one of the most ancient cities in the country. It is a historical gem that unfolds the fascinating story of a rich period full of changes. We will then visit the ancient city of Caesarea, built by Herod the Great who once held the seat of Roman rule. We’ll view the excavated Roman Theater, with its acoustic and theatrical sound, which was used for many performances throughout the centuries. Today, it draws major venue attractions for concerts and festivals. We will walk through the excavated fortress and view the aqueduct once used for conveying water to the city. Then we’ll travel through Atlit, here we can learn of the Ma’apilim, the illegal immigrants that reached the country between 1939 and 1945, and their suffering at the British detention camp. Our next stop will be the Zichron Aaronson House. During the First World War, Zichron Yaakov was used as a center for underground activity by NILI, the first Hebrew secret organization. Siblings Aaron and Sarah Aaronson were its leaders, and their family home, the location of the organization’s headquarters, is now a museum where you can learn about the underground members’ activities, how they were caught and their ultimate fates. Fly to Eilat and enjoy the evening on your own.



After our Israeli buffet style breakfast, observe and swim with the dolphins at the Dolphin Reef. Enjoy the rest of the day exploring the city of Eilat at your leisure. The bay is one of the major attractions, thanks to the beautiful beaches, the developed water sports and some of the best diving spots in the world. In the south of the city is the Coral Reserve, with splendid tropical fish among the reefs. Within the precincts of the reserve is the Underwater Observatory, with a marine museum that displays collections of fascinating sea animals.


DAY 10

After visa assistance at the Jordanian Border, drive straight to Petra through desert highways. Your ultimate destination is the astonishing rose-red city of Petra which was built by the Nabateans (an early Arab tribe). Petra was renowned for its massive architectures, pools, dams and water channels. Petra is the legacy of the Nabateans who settled in the South of Jordan more than 2000 years ago. The visit begins with the possibility of a short horseback ride, about 700m, until the entrance of the Siq, which is about 1.2 Km long (walking distance). There is also a possibility to rent a chariot to inside Petra and back to the gate outside. Petra is famous for its huge monuments such as The Treasury, Royal Tombs, the Court, Roman Theater, Roman Street, Qassier Rl-Bint (Palace of Pharaoh's daughter) and many other smaller monuments which fascinate visitors. After the visit, enjoy lunch at a nice restaurant, followed by a drive back to the border. En route, stop for a short visit in Aqaba, with possibility for a short walk in the town. Cross back to Eilat.


DAY 11

After breakfast begin our journey to Tel Aviv.  Stop at Timna Park. The star of Timna Park is Solomon’s Pillars, towering sandstone columns so perfectly formed that you might really think they were a gargantuan public works project initiated by the biblical king for whom they are named. But of course, they, like all the other formations in the 23-square-mile park, are nature’s handiwork. So are stripes of magma frozen in geological time in the cliffs, and the sandstone, in its soft palette of pastels, shaped by wind and water into strange shapes like “the mushroom” and “the sphinx.” One of the shorter hiking routes takes you right through Solomon’s Pillars to behold the image of the Egyptian goddess Hathor carved into the stone, and to her ancient shrine at the foot of the cliffs of the other side. Treasure the memories and fill a bottle with the multicolored sand for which the region is famous before departing again to Israel’s Red Sea Riviera. Continue to the Negev, and take a thrilling Jeep ride down into the unique Makhtesh Ramon and drive along the most famous road in antiquity – the Incense Route.


DAY 12

Today after our Israeli buffet breakfast we will visit the Palmach Museum, an experiential museum, covering the Palmach legacy through the stories of individuals and groups. We will join a group of young Palmach recruits from its establishment, and advance through the story of the Palmach until the end of the War of Independence. Next we stop at the Kiryat Shaul Cemetery to honor the athletes who died at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. We will continue on to the Wingate Institute and visit the International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame where we will find biographies, photographs and memorabilia of Jewish athletes and sports figures from 22 countries who have achieved worldwide acclaim and recognition in 36 different sports and related categories including - World and Olympic champions, World record holders, and sports men and women who have been elected to the Hall of Fame of their own competitive sport.


DAY 13

After breakfast we will drive to Latrun and visit Yad La’Shiryon, the IDF Armored Corps center. Here we can climb on the tanks and learn about the battles that secured the road to Jerusalem. The most ancient site in the region is the Beit-Govrin-Maresha National Park, with its spectacular bell caves, columbarium and the remains of two ancient cities. Many ancient tels are scattered through the lowlands including Tel Azeka, Tel Tsafit, Tel Goded, all of which have remains of ancient civilizations. We will “dig for a day” and experience an exciting crawl through unexcavated cave systems. We’ll stop at the Soreq Cave where some of the stalactites are 300 thousand years old, and scientists use them to study climactic changes that have transpired in this area from the time of their formation until the present. Although some stalactites are even older, they cannot be precisely dated using the instruments currently available. The stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the cave are up to four meters long and on occasion meet up with stalagmites growing from the floor. Stalactites range in diameter from a few millimeters to a few meters. Some look like everyday objects - shelves, sheets of cloth, branches, and coral - and others have shapes never before seen. A number of the stalactites and stalagmites are still active.


DAY 14

Enjoy an Israel buffet style breakfast and start our day by visiting the Independence Hall, relive Ben Gurion's moving declaration of the State. We will then visit the unique displays of the Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora showcase Jewish experience from the exile after the destruction of the First Temple 2,600 years ago to the present. Afterwards, we will visit Rabin Square, where Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. We’ll walk in his final footsteps and discuss the impact of this event on the State of Israel. Next we’ll enjoy a walking tour of Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv’s new hip neighborhood where the intellectual elite lived during Israel’s early days. Our day will conclude with a stroll through the funky shops and cafés along Sheinken Street, the “Greenwich Village of Tel Aviv”.


DAY 15

Transfer to Ben Gurion Airport for your return flight home.

PLEASE NOTE!  We reserve the right to omit any site and/or change the itinerary
Should it be necessary due to local conditions.


Bar / Bat Mitzvah Sample Israel Tour Itinerary

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