DAY ONE - Thursday, October 31
Join up with your tour group at the airport and start building life-long relationships as you fly from the New York area in the evening to begin your adventure to the Holy Land—your Summons to Jerusalem!
DAY TWO - Friday, November 1
Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport in the afternoon. Board a comfortable, air-conditioned coach headed for the beautiful David Tower Hotel overlooking the coast of Netanya, on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Walk on the beach or just enjoy the view as the sun sets and the peace of the Sabbath settles over the Land. In the evening, a Special Shabbat Dinner awaits you.
Dinner & Overnight David Tower - Netanya
DAY THREE - Saturday, November 2
Begin your day strolling the streets where Paul and Peter walked in Caesarea by the Sea. Then drive to the heights of Mount Carmel where Elijah called on God Almighty to send down fire from heaven! Pray over the city of Nazareth from the Mount of the Precipice and drive through the Jezreel Valley past the ancient city of Megiddo and Mount Tabor to the Golan Heights! We’ll pray together from the Heights as the sun sets! And in the evening, be welcomed at the Ohalo Manor, our hotel situated in beautiful gardens planted on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
Dinner & Overnight Kibbutz Ohalo - Sea of Galilee
DAY FOUR - Sunday, November 3
Start this day on the Mount of Beatitudes in the peace of the gardens overlooking the Sea. Then descend to the shore of Capernaum where so many of Jesus’ miracles were performed. We’ll pray together by the shore for His Spirit to be poured out on the Land and the nations again! We’ll visit the ancient synagogue at Magdala, the home town of Mary Magdalene. In the afternoon, come on board a boat ride for a time of praise and worship and celebration on the Sea of Galilee! Then take the opportunity to be Baptized in the Jordan River! In the evening, dinner awaits you at the Ohalo Manor.
Dinner & Overnight Kibbutz Ohalo - Sea of Galilee
DAY FIVE - Monday, November 4
Today, we’ll head south down the breathtaking Jordan River Valley to Gilgal where the Israelites first entered the Promised Land. Then experience the desert refuge of Qumran where ancient believers kept the Dead Sea Scrolls - copies of the scriptures that they hid safely for 2,000 years! We’ll visit Ein Gedi, the oasis in the Judean Wilderness where David and his men hid from Saul. And then float effortlessly in the Dead Sea as the sun sinks lower. Then we will ascend up the hills to the heights of the Holy City of Jerusalem! Dinner awaits you at your Lev Yerushalaim (the Heart of Jerusalem) Hotel!
Dinner & Overnight Lev Yerushaliam - Jerusalem
DAY SIX - Tuesday, November 5
Visit the very center of Biblical Israel today! We’ll drive north from Jerusalem over the Judean Hills to Mount Ebal to the Altar that Joshua built there. We’ll drive past Shechem where Abraham first stopped as he entered the land of Canaan and learn of the new discoveries that have been found at Shiloh, where the Tabernacle stood for almost 400 years! In the evening, after dinner at our hotel, the First Evening of the Jerusalem Summons begins! Let your heart be lifted as we worship and seek the Face of the Lord together with Believers from Israel and around the world!
Dinner & Overnight Lev Yerushaliam - Jerusalem
DAYS SEVEN and EIGHT - Wednesday and Thursday, November 6 and 7
Be inspired and intercede for God’s Purposes in these Last Days in the Jerusalem Summons, as we worship and pray together with God’s People gathering in a central meeting place for the Believers here in Jerusalem!
Dinner & Overnight Lev Yerushaliam - Jerusalem
DAY NINE - Friday, November 8
Begin this morning in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed just before He was arrested. Then have your own archaeological adventure as you search the earth for historical treasures from Bible Times at the Temple Mount Sifting Project! Visit Yad Vashem, Jerusalem’s unique Memorial for the Six Million Jewish people who were slain in the Holocaust. Then visit Christ Church, the Oldest Protestant Church in the Middle East. Enjoy shopping in the fascinating little shops of the Old City. As the sun sinks lower, we’ll join the worshippers who are flocking to the Western Wall where hundreds will be gathered to pray as the Sabbath begins. Enjoy a special Shabbat meal at your hotel and afterwards just enjoy the feeling of the Peace of the Sabbath descending over the city.
Dinner & Overnight Lev Yerushaliam - Jerusalem
DAY TEN - Saturday, November 9
Begin this day standing in the place where Jesus was tried and beaten at the House of Caiaphas (the Church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu). Then share together in Communion at the Garden Tomb! See a Model of Jerusalem as Jesus knew it in the Israel Museum and then visit the Shrine of the Book where many of the Dead Sea Scrolls are displayed. After lunch, we’ll intercede over the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem and then visit the Shepherd’s Field that overlooks the little city of Bethlehem. You’ll have the evening free to shop at Ben Yehudah Street, Jerusalem’s biggest outdoor shopping mall in the heart of the city!
Dinner & Overnight Lev Yerushaliam - Jerusalem
DAY ELEVEN - Sunday, November 10
Begin your last day high up on the Mount of Olives overlooking the Holy City! Then descend to the Davidson Center and the Southern Entrance of the Temple Mount where Jesus often taught His disciples. Eat lunch in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. Then visit the new discoveries found in the Ancient City of David! In the afternoon, you’re invited to the House of Peace for a wonderful farewell dinner and time of Worship and Thanksgiving together before we return to Ben Gurion for a late night flight home.
DAY TWELVE - Monday, November 11
Return home inspired and refreshed with the new vision God has given you and all that He has placed in your heart and your spirit during this 2024 Jerusalem Summons!
PLEASE NOTE! We reserve the right to omit any site and/or change the itinerary
Should it be necessary due to local conditions.